Thursday, November 24, 2005


It's Thanksgiving Day morning, most of the food is ready to pop in the oven at the appropriate time, it's still too early to watch the parade on TV and all is well in my life.

This is the first year I have cooked Thanksgiving meal in a while but after all the experience of the past, it was very quick and easy to prepare most of it last night. The turkey is only a turkey brest in its own gravey that I purchased frozen, the broccoli casserole (missing the onions - one mistake is expected) is ready to bake, the sweetpotatoes will bake for a short time before the marshmellows go on, the rolls only take 5 min. and the cranberries come straight out of the can. The stuffing is Stove Top - I like easy.

This year was no different than any other year, I had to send David out last night to get the evaporated milk for the pumpkin pie but since he is the only one that likes it he didn't mind.

After reading the yeti's blog, I have all the same things that I am thankful for but those don't seem as important to me as they do to him because he hasn't had them every day like I have.
It really isn't a good thing to take our blessings for granted but I know I do.

Thanksgiving has always been a time when I realize how much God has blessed me. I have had parents that loved me and were always very supportive of me, sisters that I not only love but like and know they feel the same toward me, children that have become adults that I am very proud of. They are happy, successful, have a close relationship with God, and great families of their own. As for David, as Eddie Caple always said, David deserves a metal for putting up with me.

I send my love to all of my family and friends and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

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