Friday, October 31, 2008

happy halloween


Well, he is finally getting what he deserves. David is on his way to the big house. It started a couple of weeks ago when I sent him to Virginia alone. I should have known better than to let him get around those people without me there to watch out for him.

When I went to the airport to pick him up after his trip there was a man standing on the curb. As I slowed down this man, with tattoos up and down both arms, tried to get in my car. I was not about to allow this to happen. I had to take action and the rest is history. He now has a new address...with limited visitors.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


When we got up this morning the house was closed up but it was still cool. I drug out the fleece robe and snuggled in under a quilt while I drank my morning coffee.
It was in the 40's outside so I pulled down the plastic container to choose a nice warm sweater and I found the famous "Jack Garner" sweatshirt. I hadn't seen it in a few years and checked my blog to see if I had ever mentioned it. I had back in Feb of 2006 but that was before I knew how to post photos so I thought I would let you see how it is holding up after 41 years.

I tried it on but put on my red cotton sweater instead. It is now in the 50's going up to the 70's but the skies are blue and we have the front door propped open.
Do you think I could sell this on Ebay when it turns 50 years old? Probably not, Nik is the only one that would bid.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I am having a good day today. Our Fall Furniture Sale started today and we have had people in and out of the store all day.

The weather is beautiful. The front door is propped open and I am even wearing a light weight sweater. It is 75 degrees and the beautiful blue skies remind me of the reason I love living here.

Friday, October 24, 2008


It has not looked like the Florida I know and love these last few days. Some people don't mind gloomy days but I definitely am not one of them. I like blue skies and bright sunshine. I hate cold temperatures, snow, and gray days. We haven't had cold or snow but the gray days are depressing.
This is Friday. The last day of my work week but they are predicting more rain all day today and in the morning. I guess tomorrow will be a good day to catch up on laundry and house cleaning but I sure hope the sun returns on Sunday and if it does I just might get a little "beach time".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It is amazing how much better I am at doing things on my computer than I was this time last year. Since I have had free time at work to play on the computer I have learned most of these things by trial and error. I have not had an 8 year old to teach me...which I think might have been easier. Many things, like deleting photos in My Pictures I still have to do the hard way because I seem to just make more copies instead of deleting pictures of old jobs but I usually get the job done even if I do it the hard way.

This photo of Todd and Sarah is the wallpaper on my computer at work now and everyone that looks at it notices the lady in the bottom left watching those funny looking Americans.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


...and trying to catch up at home, work and church.

The trip was successful and fun.
This little house is where I lived for the first 7 years of my life.

This house was made into a two car garage when we moved to this stone house located on the same lot.

This house is where I lived until I graduated from high school.
My mom lived in this house (while she collected "stuff") for 48 years. This is now Carol's house and garage. They got a nice paint job earlier this week.

We are cleaning out a lot of stuff and trying to organize what she wants to keep and I think we are doing remarkable well.

It took my dad 8 years to build this house and even though we know we will probably sell it someday it holds many happy memories for all of my family.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


I don't like to put bumper stickers on my car but I love reading them on other people's car.
It is amazing how much information can be sent in such a small space.
I saw this one for the first time today.

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Our friends Rolf and Rikki are back and as always Rolf brought me chocolate, chocolate and more delicious chocolate. I just love that man.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Have you ever seen a dog that liked wearing clothes so much that he dresses himself.

This little white dog is Nicholas and the black one is Jackson. Can you tell which one likes to wear clothes?

These dogs belong to Faith. She just started working with me recently and when she told me that after she baths her dogs she dries them and puts clothes on them. She said that Nicolas loves it and Jackson hates it. When she told me that the picture above was taken one day when she didn't dress them after their bath and that Nicholas dressed himself. As us you can tell he still needs to master this skill but I was so impressed that I bought him a new outfit.
Isn't he cute. It reminded me of Maison in his camos.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I love living in Florida but my favorite season is autumn so I always get homesick for Kentucky when this time of year comes around. I can probably count on one hand the number of times that I didn't go north in the fall to see the leaves chaning.

I think that it is one of the most beautiful things of all. I have my airline ticket for Louisville for Oct 11. I will only be there for a long weekend and I hope it isn't too early in the season but you never know.