Monday, May 21, 2007


It's Monday morning and I am back at my desk. Friday night we went to an Open House. It was the home of the parents of the owners of our company. (That almost sounds like a riddle.) Lifestyle Interiors did all of the decorating. It was beautiful!

Saturday morning Dave and I went to "yard sales". We bought Tara a mirror to go over her dresser, Natalie a horse beanie baby, 10 sheets of transfers for windows for Halloween and Christmas, two curtain rods with brackets and spent only $10. We went to the gym so that means we will be sore again this week. In the afternoon, we spent some time at the pool and then went to Robin's. I made Eddie Stackler's Oatmeal Praline Cake which probably nagated all the work at the gym.

Sunday morning we went to church. I had a Mission Committee meeting after church and Dave grilled steaks and chicken for lunches. Dave got a little golf in and I did some sewing on cushions for Robin's lanai. We started watching the movie Lakehouse but it got late so we'll finish that tonight. No real earth shattering news but we did enjoy a restful weekend.

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