Monday, May 28, 2007


These are the kind of Monday's I like. I slept in until 7am, had coffee and devotions, went to the gym, went up to church to do the payroll checks and came home and made crabbies.

I wish I had gone to the oriental grocery on Saturday so I could try my new Sushi recipes but I didn't and I don't think that they are open today.

Dave and I used my Outback gift card that Nik sent for Mother's Day to try the new Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurant.

It was very good. We both got Cheeseburgers. Mine was the 'signature' Cheeseburger in Paradise and Dave had the 'special of the day' Bluecheese Burger.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Sushi vs Outback???? Good choice!!! What are crabbies? Glad you had a good day!