Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Living in Ft. Myers, Florida we are in a constant change of who is here. Jim and Bev some our close friends from Canada went home this week and won't be back until fall. Carolyn, Dave's sister and her husband, Tony are here for a couple of more weeks and Tom is in town this week.

Dave and Tom are playing golf today and we are all going out for fish tonight.

Dana and Emiley are coming tomorrow night.

I have agreed to be the assistant to our Financial guy at church. That means I pay the bills. I started training Monday night and go back for lesson 2 tonight. He is leaving town for the month of June so I hope I catch on quickly. I keep having this flashback of when I was in high school and I was the assistant to the Athletic Director during my study hall and after doing his filing for one day he decided that he should do his own filing. (For some reason his logical order of things was different than mine).

We now have Natalie Sun., Tue., and Thurs. nights and she is getting so grown up and so pleasant to be around. She loves books, the pool, movies, and David's golf cart.

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