Saturday, February 02, 2008


Debbie and Joe "Rainman" Rapp were here for a week but left yesterday morning. We had such a wonderful visit. They were great. We played Hearts at night. We took turns as the winner but Joe (AKA Rainman) always controled the game and the three of us grew to hate him.

He is recovering, very slowly but has a determination that can't be altered. It's like he had to learn to walk all over again. He has tingling in his hands and feet most of the time and gets very cold for no apparent reason.

They enjoyed the pool, golf (for Joe) and shopping (for Debbie), riding bikes, and relaxing while we were at work and Debbie cleaned up around the condo and prepared some great meals for us.
She packed my pantry and refrigerator so we will be eating off the Rapps for a while.

Sorry we were to busy for pictures but they may come back if it is too cold and gray when they get back to Kentucky.

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