Monday, July 24, 2006

Natalie's goes to church

Yesterday Tara got Natalie up and got her all dressed up for Sunday School but when she got there they told her that the class was full and that she couldn't stay. Tara said that there were a lot of kids in the room so she asked if they could put her in another class. The answer was "NO".

Tara just took her to chuch with her which wasn't the end of the world but when I heard about it it mad me feel very sad. It reminded me of a story I heard in Sunday School when I was little about the Deciples turning the little children away when they wanted to see Jesus. I have never heard of a church turning away a child that wanted to go to Sunday School. I think that if we, as Christians turn our chuches into big business multi-program establishments and fail to welcome little children into a Sunday School class Satan will be delighted.

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