Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Season

Well, Sunday night was my Lifestyle Interiors party at Stonewood Grill. The food was delicious as usual. The service (or I should say, one of our waitresses) was uncommonly terrible. We did have a good time though.

I got $100 worth of free gas and a little kit that you bake cakes in coffee cups.

Earlier that day we went to Dave's friend, Del's open house.

In the morning we had gone to church and before that we went to the gym. I am not sure why I just recounted my day in reverse order but that is just the way I think sometime.

Saturday was the 4th annual Christmas cookie bake at Cheryl's. There were a few changes in the type of cookies and candy but as usual we ended up with 12 different kinds and I think 16 different trays to distribute among our friends.

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