Friday, November 21, 2008


David has always had a saying that if he just makes it through his work week past Thursday everything will be fine because he can tap dance through Friday.

Well I am wearing my tap shoes today.

This has been a great week. I have enjoyed the beautiful Florida weather. When I get off of work at 1:00 the sun has been shinning bright and the temperature has been in the high 7o's everyday.

I must admit I am a little sore from going to the gym 4 days straight. I also should admit that my "Boot Camp" is specifically designed for old ladies but I don't want any injuries to keep me from going. I already feel less like a slug and planning to increase the difficulty of my exercises every day.

Yesterday's task was a visit with our financial planner. Her prediction is that the market has bottomed out. I hope and pray she is right or David will have to tap dance on Friday's until he is 85 years old. (Maybe I will get him a dancing costume for Christmas - something masculine)


Carol said...

I think you should get him a yellow too too.

nahum said...

You and I both know it would go to the dumpster even before it was completely unwrapped. But, so would the one I suggested. Thank goodness.