That is a lot of glass for a little girl.

She logged quit a bit of time playing with the Barbie dolls.

She worked hard making her own birthday cake. We used an old lamb mold that Nick, my grandmothers husband made (probably before I was even born). The cook was rewarded with the beaters.
While we were waiting for it to finish baking Natalie's 5 imaginary friends came to the door. She let them in and made them sit on the sofa until we were finished. Their names were Clair Cobb. Yes all of them.

The finished project was pretty cute.
After all the hard work we had to relax at the pool. The water was a little cool after all the rain but that didn't stop us. Natalie, David, the Clair Cobbs and I all played and had fun.

Natalie lined the Clair Cobbs up and we went home to get ready for the party.

We went shopping for another gift, purchased balloons, plates and candles, she wrapped her own gifts, and set the places. She got to sit by the cake and the Clair Cobbs shared seats at the bar.

When Tara arrived we had the party and Tara took the party photos.
Sorry I haven't left comments on ALL your great blogs lately. First let me say the Cobbs looked like they had a GREAT party(the cake was adorable). Tell little missy Nattie we love her and HAPPY B-DAY! Tara's new car makes me wish I had a new one too. I LOVE all the treasures from your trip to KY the stories are really neat and I've been reading them all to Troy and the kids. I didn't know it took Papaw so long to build the new house... but living in an apartment for 14 years, I do understand that EVERYTHING else comes before "THE HOUSE" especially if your building it with your own hands. We may not have a HOUSE until the kids are gone. I think that's ok they will remember other great stories like you do about your childhood. Good job keeping up with your blogging, it is so wonderful to see new pictures and read new thinks. YOU ROCK. xoxo nik
Well, did she act surprised when she opened the gifts she had wrapped???
She was surprised about a few of them because I had tissue around them when I gave them to her to wrap in the real paper but the ones she picked out herself were probably her favorite. In fact one of the gifts she picked, a talking squirrel named Sandy got in trouble at school for making noise during rest time.
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