Many of my friends and family members are having a white Christmas but I am happy to not be one of them. The photos are pretty and I am sure it feels more like the Christmas of my childhood but I will just settle for the pictures and movies that show the snow and cold weather.
December is a big month for birthdays for my family. Mom's birthday was the 5th. Bryce and Anna where the 13th. Carol is today. Maison's will will be the 24th and Josh Robinson (ours by adoption) will be the 27th. Happy Birthday to all of you. I love you very much and celebrate your life and the joy you have brought to mine.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
In fact the month and the year are also winding down. This has been a good week. I have so much to be thankful for. I love living here. It has that hometown feeling.
I spent the week (after going to the gym everyday) visiting with friends, taking neighbors to the airport, delivering cookies, going out for lunch and even made it to the pool.
The only bad thing is my asthma is acting up. I went to see my doctor. He had surgery last month to remove a tumor from his thyroid but is doing fine and back to work. When I told him that I was praying for him and had called the office to check up on him he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. He probably isn't the best doctor in the town but I love that personal touch.
More answered prayer is that we now have a new pastor at our church. I have met him and his wife several times. They are moving from Colorado and he is going to start preaching the second Sunday of January. The new year looks like it is going to start off good!
I have been giving my tile hearts to many of the people that have added so much love to my life.
I spent the week (after going to the gym everyday) visiting with friends, taking neighbors to the airport, delivering cookies, going out for lunch and even made it to the pool.
The only bad thing is my asthma is acting up. I went to see my doctor. He had surgery last month to remove a tumor from his thyroid but is doing fine and back to work. When I told him that I was praying for him and had called the office to check up on him he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. He probably isn't the best doctor in the town but I love that personal touch.
More answered prayer is that we now have a new pastor at our church. I have met him and his wife several times. They are moving from Colorado and he is going to start preaching the second Sunday of January. The new year looks like it is going to start off good!
I have been giving my tile hearts to many of the people that have added so much love to my life.
Every time I get one ready to give I realized how truly blessed I have been my whole life. I wouldn't say I am the emotional type but when I think about each of these ladies and the place they hold in my heart I can't help but wipe a tear from my eyes. It is true joy!
Merry Christmas and God Bless you!
Merry Christmas and God Bless you!
Monday, December 15, 2008

Last year about the only thing I did for Christmas was bake cookies with Cheryl. My kitchen was torn up and it had been a hard year so this year it is fun to be back to normal.
It was nice to have time to bake and not rush through it. Since Cheryl took off on me it did take a lot more time but it is such a good feeling after all the tray are decorated and ready to be delivered.

Friday, December 12, 2008
You didn't expect that from me since this is the first week I have been unemployed, did you?
Well, as many of you know the job on the street corner didn't come through for me and last Friday, mom's birthday, was my last day at Lifestyle.
I am exhausted and very happy that today is Friday. I didn't have to work this had at my job. They let me sit at my desk, answer the phone mark the sales orders when we received shipments, place an order, update the catalogs and fabric and mostly play my games on the computer.
Well it hasn't been like that this week. "The General" as she has been referred to by people close to her has had me going to the gym for an hour everyday (which is very hard for a 55 yr old overweight woman) baking Christmas cookies (6 different kinds so far), putting up Christmas decorations, going to talk to the mortgage people, shopping for Christmas, going to dinner with friends, entertaining friends at our house (which meant HOUSE CLEANING), signing up for unemployment, making calls to the investment office, delivering payment to doctor's office, taking care of the church finances, meeting with people about church expenses,washing ironing,
cooking dinner and packing Dave's lunch, standing in line at post office for 50 minutes (but I did make a few new friends while I was there),...the list goes on and on. I am taking the weekend off but it isn't 5:00 yet so I better see how much more I can get done.
Well, as many of you know the job on the street corner didn't come through for me and last Friday, mom's birthday, was my last day at Lifestyle.
I am exhausted and very happy that today is Friday. I didn't have to work this had at my job. They let me sit at my desk, answer the phone mark the sales orders when we received shipments, place an order, update the catalogs and fabric and mostly play my games on the computer.
Well it hasn't been like that this week. "The General" as she has been referred to by people close to her has had me going to the gym for an hour everyday (which is very hard for a 55 yr old overweight woman) baking Christmas cookies (6 different kinds so far), putting up Christmas decorations, going to talk to the mortgage people, shopping for Christmas, going to dinner with friends, entertaining friends at our house (which meant HOUSE CLEANING), signing up for unemployment, making calls to the investment office, delivering payment to doctor's office, taking care of the church finances, meeting with people about church expenses,washing ironing,
cooking dinner and packing Dave's lunch, standing in line at post office for 50 minutes (but I did make a few new friends while I was there),...the list goes on and on. I am taking the weekend off but it isn't 5:00 yet so I better see how much more I can get done.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Well, just as expected the second half arrived today and Friday will be my last day. I have never left a job, when it wasn't my ideal before this but I am fine. For some reason it was much more traumatic when it was Dave losing a job. The only 2 times it happened to him the companies went under. This company is going to try to hang on but it doesn't look good.
I will once again be an unemployed bum so if you hear an unexpected knock on your door it just might be me coming for a free meal.
I will once again be an unemployed bum so if you hear an unexpected knock on your door it just might be me coming for a free meal.
Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Day was nice. Dave had to work so we had our meal in the evening. Rolf and Rikki joined us. Rolf had his first Thanksgiving Dinner with us two years ago and this was Rikki's first.
We told them that we had decided to visit them in Germany this September so they succeeded in getting us very excited about our vacation. We have nine months to plan and we are hoping for a stronger US dollar.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
David has always had a saying that if he just makes it through his work week past Thursday everything will be fine because he can tap dance through Friday.
Well I am wearing my tap shoes today.
This has been a great week. I have enjoyed the beautiful Florida weather. When I get off of work at 1:00 the sun has been shinning bright and the temperature has been in the high 7o's everyday.
I must admit I am a little sore from going to the gym 4 days straight. I also should admit that my "Boot Camp" is specifically designed for old ladies but I don't want any injuries to keep me from going. I already feel less like a slug and planning to increase the difficulty of my exercises every day.
Yesterday's task was a visit with our financial planner. Her prediction is that the market has bottomed out. I hope and pray she is right or David will have to tap dance on Friday's until he is 85 years old. (Maybe I will get him a dancing costume for Christmas - something masculine)
Well I am wearing my tap shoes today.
This has been a great week. I have enjoyed the beautiful Florida weather. When I get off of work at 1:00 the sun has been shinning bright and the temperature has been in the high 7o's everyday.
I must admit I am a little sore from going to the gym 4 days straight. I also should admit that my "Boot Camp" is specifically designed for old ladies but I don't want any injuries to keep me from going. I already feel less like a slug and planning to increase the difficulty of my exercises every day.
Yesterday's task was a visit with our financial planner. Her prediction is that the market has bottomed out. I hope and pray she is right or David will have to tap dance on Friday's until he is 85 years old. (Maybe I will get him a dancing costume for Christmas - something masculine)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Today was the first day I had since they cut my hours back to 20 per week. I went to work at 9am as usual (well usually I would get there at 8:30 to get ready for my day at 9 but today it was almost 9 when I arrived). I used the extra time this morning to put my supper in the crock pot.
I left at 1:00pm. I stopped by church on my way home to pick up the papers I needed to record and pay the bills. I came home did the accounting for church and then got started on my task for my first day. It was to clean my desk and work area at home. I had filing piled up for the entire month and I had all kinds of things just poked in every opening in my desk. I tried to post a photo of my finished product but for some reason Snapfish refused to share the photo with me this time. I didn't even take one of the mess because I didn't want anyone to see it.
At 4:00pm I went to the gym to meet Dave and to start my first day of "Boot Camp" . Dave is my helper but he was very easy on me today. He just made sure I showed up and worked on my own while I was there. I am planning on walking in the 50 mile walk for Breast Cancer next year so I thought I should get rid of the extra pounds and get back in shape so I don't end up in the hospital myself. My friend Jeannell did it this year in Georgia and she convinced me to do it with her next year in Tampa, FL. I don't mind the walk as much as sleeping in tents for two nights but if she can do it so can I.
After the gym we came home and had supper and I have been fighting with this computer ever since. Tonight it photo.
I like these half days :)
I left at 1:00pm. I stopped by church on my way home to pick up the papers I needed to record and pay the bills. I came home did the accounting for church and then got started on my task for my first day. It was to clean my desk and work area at home. I had filing piled up for the entire month and I had all kinds of things just poked in every opening in my desk. I tried to post a photo of my finished product but for some reason Snapfish refused to share the photo with me this time. I didn't even take one of the mess because I didn't want anyone to see it.
At 4:00pm I went to the gym to meet Dave and to start my first day of "Boot Camp" . Dave is my helper but he was very easy on me today. He just made sure I showed up and worked on my own while I was there. I am planning on walking in the 50 mile walk for Breast Cancer next year so I thought I should get rid of the extra pounds and get back in shape so I don't end up in the hospital myself. My friend Jeannell did it this year in Georgia and she convinced me to do it with her next year in Tampa, FL. I don't mind the walk as much as sleeping in tents for two nights but if she can do it so can I.
After the gym we came home and had supper and I have been fighting with this computer ever since. Tonight it photo.
I like these half days :)
Monday, November 10, 2008

I have never received a pink slip before but today I did get the first half of one and I figure the other half is on it's way.
At the end of the day today I was given the news. My hours have been cut to 20 hours a week and all of my benefits will remain the same but since it doesn't look like my company is going to make it much longer...that is only good for as long as the company last. It is amazing how OK I am with all of this. I am so glad that they are paying my insurance for as long as I am still employed. (I do have more seniority than any of the other employees)
If I only looked as good as the girl in the photo I would fell terrific. Well, maybe I will just spend some of my extra time at the gym that I am paying for and never visiting.
Yes, I do know that is not the right pink slip but it was the first one I found .
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008
Well, he is finally getting what he deserves. David is on his way to the big house. It started a couple of weeks ago when I sent him to Virginia alone. I should have known better than to let him get around those people without me there to watch out for him.
When I went to the airport to pick him up after his trip there was a man standing on the curb. As I slowed down this man, with tattoos up and down both arms, tried to get in my car. I was not about to allow this to happen. I had to take action and the rest is history. He now has a new address...with limited visitors.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
When we got up this morning the house was closed up but it was still cool. I drug out the fleece robe and snuggled in under a quilt while I drank my morning coffee.
It was in the 40's outside so I pulled down the plastic container to choose a nice warm sweater and I found the famous "Jack Garner" sweatshirt. I hadn't seen it in a few years and checked my blog to see if I had ever mentioned it. I had back in Feb of 2006 but that was before I knew how to post photos so I thought I would let you see how it is holding up after 41 years.

I tried it on but put on my red cotton sweater instead. It is now in the 50's going up to the 70's but the skies are blue and we have the front door propped open.
Do you think I could sell this on Ebay when it turns 50 years old? Probably not, Nik is the only one that would bid.
It was in the 40's outside so I pulled down the plastic container to choose a nice warm sweater and I found the famous "Jack Garner" sweatshirt. I hadn't seen it in a few years and checked my blog to see if I had ever mentioned it. I had back in Feb of 2006 but that was before I knew how to post photos so I thought I would let you see how it is holding up after 41 years.

I tried it on but put on my red cotton sweater instead. It is now in the 50's going up to the 70's but the skies are blue and we have the front door propped open.
Do you think I could sell this on Ebay when it turns 50 years old? Probably not, Nik is the only one that would bid.
Monday, October 27, 2008

The weather is beautiful. The front door is propped open and I am even wearing a light weight sweater. It is 75 degrees and the beautiful blue skies remind me of the reason I love living here.

Friday, October 24, 2008

It has not looked like the Florida I know and love these last few days. Some people don't mind gloomy days but I definitely am not one of them. I like blue skies and bright sunshine. I hate cold temperatures, snow, and gray days. We haven't had cold or snow but the gray days are depressing.
This is Friday. The last day of my work week but they are predicting more rain all day today and in the morning. I guess tomorrow will be a good day to catch up on laundry and house cleaning but I sure hope the sun returns on Sunday and if it does I just might get a little "beach time".
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It is amazing how much better I am at doing things on my computer than I was this time last year. Since I have had free time at work to play on the computer I have learned most of these things by trial and error. I have not had an 8 year old to teach me...which I think might have been easier. Many things, like deleting photos in My Pictures I still have to do the hard way because I seem to just make more copies instead of deleting pictures of old jobs but I usually get the job done even if I do it the hard way.
This photo of Todd and Sarah is the wallpaper on my computer at work now and everyone that looks at it notices the lady in the bottom left watching those funny looking Americans.
This photo of Todd and Sarah is the wallpaper on my computer at work now and everyone that looks at it notices the lady in the bottom left watching those funny looking Americans.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The trip was successful and fun.
This little house is where I lived for the first 7 years of my life.
This house was made into a two car garage when we moved to this stone house located on the same lot.

This house is where I lived until I graduated from high school.
My mom lived in this house (while she collected "stuff") for 48 years. This is now Carol's house and garage. They got a nice paint job earlier this week.
We are cleaning out a lot of stuff and trying to organize what she wants to keep and I think we are doing remarkable well.
It took my dad 8 years to build this house and even though we know we will probably sell it someday it holds many happy memories for all of my family.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008

This little white dog is Nicholas and the black one is Jackson. Can you tell which one likes to wear clothes?
These dogs belong to Faith. She just started working with me recently and when she told me that after she baths her dogs she dries them and puts clothes on them. She said that Nicolas loves it and Jackson hates it. When she told me that the picture above was taken one day when she didn't dress them after their bath and that Nicholas dressed himself. As us you can tell he still needs to master this skill but I was so impressed that I bought him a new outfit.
Isn't he cute. It reminded me of Maison in his camos.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I think that it is one of the most beautiful things of all. I have my airline ticket for Louisville for Oct 11. I will only be there for a long weekend and I hope it isn't too early in the season but you never know.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I put the confetti under the soil in this planter. I had killed off a few plants on one end so there was plenty of room.
Now I have fresh herbs growing on my lanai. The tiny one on the left is parsley, I think, but it is struggling to survive. The other 3 are basil and they seem to be growing very fast so I thought that by Christmas I might have enough to go into the basil business.
Get your orders in early, supply may be limited.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
No photos the first day. David played golf and I shopped and checked out everything in town. The QE2 was in the harbor that day.
We always enjoy ourselves when we go to Bar Harbor.

We ate fresh vegetable out of Brad's garden with our fresh lobsters.

This shack isn't used for anything but it makes a great photo. It is owned by Emery's Cottages. Brad and Barbara's son, Wally and his wife, Carol own the cottages. Check them out at

This shack isn't used for anything but it makes a great photo. It is owned by Emery's Cottages. Brad and Barbara's son, Wally and his wife, Carol own the cottages. Check them out at
This is where we stayed. Brad and Barbs house is right next to Emery's Cottages.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tomorrow Dave and I are leaving for vacation. We will be stopping in Atlanta and Detroit on the way to Bangor, Maine to check out the passengers in those airports. It was the only way we could get affordable tickets so we decided to just enjoy the variety. If all of the connections work as planned we will arrive in Bangor around 11pm and after a night in the hotel Connie and Phil will pick us up Friday morning and take us to Brad and Barb's in Bar Harbor.
, Brad, Connie and Phil have a tee time for Friday and I plan to just act like a tourist and enjoy some shopping and sightseeing.
Saturday, if the fog is not a problem, I am sure we will be enjoying this view from the top of Cadillac Mt.
I plan to eat as much lobster as I can and to enjoy spending time with Dave and our friends. I am so excited!

Saturday, if the fog is not a problem, I am sure we will be enjoying this view from the top of Cadillac Mt.
I plan to eat as much lobster as I can and to enjoy spending time with Dave and our friends. I am so excited!
Monday, September 15, 2008
David just finished reading this book last week and insisted I read it before he takes it back to the girl he borrowed it from. He said that it was one of the best books he has ever read. I am over 60 pages into this 248 page book and I am feeling so sick to my stomach that I have to read fast and continuously now to get to the good part. Stay tuned...
The Shack is a fiction book written by William P Young. Let me know if you have read it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008

It is so nice when you get back in touch with people you love and lose contact with. Chad was like one of my own kids for many years.
He was funny, always around and at times down right loveable.
He was a giving kid. He brought me Christmas presents when he was a teenage. One of my favorite is a poem that I have framed and hang up every Christmas. The title is "The Night Before Jesus Came." Every year when I hang it I say a prayer for him and his family where ever they may be.
Sunday, August 31, 2008

I don't really think that golf is a sport where you get much exercise (unless you are as bad as I am and have to swing many times to hit the ball).
This snazzy little demo cart was used at a course on Sanibel for 6 months before we got it but it is still like new and will get much use.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Natalie came over after school to spend the night. When she got up Saturday morning there was condensation on the sliders so when she saw me cleaning it off she wanted to help.
That is a lot of glass for a little girl.

She logged quit a bit of time playing with the Barbie dolls.

She worked hard making her own birthday cake. We used an old lamb mold that Nick, my grandmothers husband made (probably before I was even born). The cook was rewarded with the beaters.
While we were waiting for it to finish baking Natalie's 5 imaginary friends came to the door. She let them in and made them sit on the sofa until we were finished. Their names were Clair Cobb. Yes all of them.

The finished project was pretty cute.
After all the hard work we had to relax at the pool. The water was a little cool after all the rain but that didn't stop us. Natalie, David, the Clair Cobbs and I all played and had fun.

Natalie lined the Clair Cobbs up and we went home to get ready for the party.

We went shopping for another gift, purchased balloons, plates and candles, she wrapped her own gifts, and set the places. She got to sit by the cake and the Clair Cobbs shared seats at the bar.

When Tara arrived we had the party and Tara took the party photos.
That is a lot of glass for a little girl.

She logged quit a bit of time playing with the Barbie dolls.

She worked hard making her own birthday cake. We used an old lamb mold that Nick, my grandmothers husband made (probably before I was even born). The cook was rewarded with the beaters.
While we were waiting for it to finish baking Natalie's 5 imaginary friends came to the door. She let them in and made them sit on the sofa until we were finished. Their names were Clair Cobb. Yes all of them.

The finished project was pretty cute.
After all the hard work we had to relax at the pool. The water was a little cool after all the rain but that didn't stop us. Natalie, David, the Clair Cobbs and I all played and had fun.

Natalie lined the Clair Cobbs up and we went home to get ready for the party.

We went shopping for another gift, purchased balloons, plates and candles, she wrapped her own gifts, and set the places. She got to sit by the cake and the Clair Cobbs shared seats at the bar.

When Tara arrived we had the party and Tara took the party photos.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I found Mom and Dad's cake topper in her cedar chest. The ladies head was broken off but Jason, a guy I work with fixed it as good as new.
On the bottom JAPAN is stamped on it. I remember when I was young all of the nic naks were from Japan. Now everything says made in China.
This is something worth keeping, just in case one of their Great Granddaughters wants to use it at their wedding. She has 7 of them and I hope they all inherit her value of marriage.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
For the first seven years of my life I lived in a little white house that was later converted into a two car garage . My dad had started building the "New House" on the front of our property before I was born. We anticipated moving into that house for years and with every nail that went in we were that much closer to living in a home that was nice, pretty and spacious. A home that we could be proud of.
We received these glasses as a house warming gift when we moved from the garage into the "New House".

We only used these on special occasions but they are a reminder of my very happy childhood.
We always stored the set in the original box so you can see that the cost was $5.49 back in 1960. That was expensive for us. This was also back before bar codes.
I wish I could remember who gave them to us.
We received these glasses as a house warming gift when we moved from the garage into the "New House".

We only used these on special occasions but they are a reminder of my very happy childhood.
We always stored the set in the original box so you can see that the cost was $5.49 back in 1960. That was expensive for us. This was also back before bar codes.

I wish I could remember who gave them to us.
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