The day finally came to try out the Mother's Day Gift/Sushi Instructions ...after a stop at the Bagel Factory, a walk on Ft Myers Beach and a workout at the gym Dave and I went to Blue Pepper for fresh tuna, the oriental grocery for other supplies and Publix for vegetables.

These are the ingredients I started with.
I did have a few problems with timing, but it was a very successful experiment. (Unlike my bread making experiences.)

But even though I am very proud of myself because it tasted very good, I think I will still go back to see my friend Noah, he is a professional.
Glad you enjoyed yourself & the sushi! Christa
Christa, I had some tuna left so I made it again last night. The kit was a great idea THANKS!!!
Cheryl got me a gift that was the hand towel with the pictures of sushi on it and the little bottle of wasabi oil. It looked like the containers of sushi you buy at fresh market. You can see the handtowel in the first photo.
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