Before we went to church Carol called to say they were coming down the first part of June so I got to talk to Mom then. She had called Friday when her Mother's Day gift arrived but I was planning on calling her on Mother's Day too. My mom is the oldest Mom in our family and she has done a very good job of teaching us all how to be good Moms.
After church, Carol and Tony came over for lunch and stayed all day. It was nice to get to spend time with them. It was David's and Carolyn's first Mother's Day since Helen died.
Tony brought his laptop and we got to see a lot of photos of their kids and grandkids. It was great! Their youngest grandkids are the twins and I would love to get my hands on them.
N called and we all got to talk to her.
The newest Mom in my family is Dana. Here are photos of her baby, Emiley and one of her and Jeff at the Garden of the Gods. (David and I took Todd there when he was Emileys age.

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