Monday, January 26, 2009


Having the last name of Ottersbach gives you a connection to otters. In high school, David sometimes called me Little Otter. My cousin Richard Ottersbach has otter pictures, a water fountain with otters on it and other things with otters that he has collected over the years.

When I got an email with this video that was posted on YouTube I just had to post it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have been very busy since I lost my job. No more long days playing on the computer from 9 to 5.

Today is Todd's 35th birthday and since I didn't talk to him I thought I would just say Happy Birthday here.

Part of the reason I didn't blog for so long was because I was busy with these two girls. We had such a fun time with them.

This photo was taken after we went to have their hair styled and shopping at Target.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Sand Sculptures on Sanibel

Our head designer was Maggie. Seen here as "Maggie the Mermaid".
This is "Paul The Shark".

and "Mike The Pencil"

Brian was our head sand mover but many of our workers had to do more than one job.