Monday, November 24, 2008


Two of my favorite people have a birthday today. Carolyn, my sister-in-law and Vicki, my friend. I love them both and hope that it is a very happy birthday and a wonderful year.

Friday, November 21, 2008


David has always had a saying that if he just makes it through his work week past Thursday everything will be fine because he can tap dance through Friday.

Well I am wearing my tap shoes today.

This has been a great week. I have enjoyed the beautiful Florida weather. When I get off of work at 1:00 the sun has been shinning bright and the temperature has been in the high 7o's everyday.

I must admit I am a little sore from going to the gym 4 days straight. I also should admit that my "Boot Camp" is specifically designed for old ladies but I don't want any injuries to keep me from going. I already feel less like a slug and planning to increase the difficulty of my exercises every day.

Yesterday's task was a visit with our financial planner. Her prediction is that the market has bottomed out. I hope and pray she is right or David will have to tap dance on Friday's until he is 85 years old. (Maybe I will get him a dancing costume for Christmas - something masculine)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


My computer and I work together much better after a good nights rest. I tried for almost an hour last night to blog about my 1st day's accomplishment and post a photo of my organized desk and just couldn't get it. This morning the photo popped up like magic. I guess I owe Snapfish an apology.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Today was the first day I had since they cut my hours back to 20 per week. I went to work at 9am as usual (well usually I would get there at 8:30 to get ready for my day at 9 but today it was almost 9 when I arrived). I used the extra time this morning to put my supper in the crock pot.

I left at 1:00pm. I stopped by church on my way home to pick up the papers I needed to record and pay the bills. I came home did the accounting for church and then got started on my task for my first day. It was to clean my desk and work area at home. I had filing piled up for the entire month and I had all kinds of things just poked in every opening in my desk. I tried to post a photo of my finished product but for some reason Snapfish refused to share the photo with me this time. I didn't even take one of the mess because I didn't want anyone to see it.

At 4:00pm I went to the gym to meet Dave and to start my first day of "Boot Camp" . Dave is my helper but he was very easy on me today. He just made sure I showed up and worked on my own while I was there. I am planning on walking in the 50 mile walk for Breast Cancer next year so I thought I should get rid of the extra pounds and get back in shape so I don't end up in the hospital myself. My friend Jeannell did it this year in Georgia and she convinced me to do it with her next year in Tampa, FL. I don't mind the walk as much as sleeping in tents for two nights but if she can do it so can I.

After the gym we came home and had supper and I have been fighting with this computer ever since. Tonight it photo.

I like these half days :)

Monday, November 10, 2008


I have never received a pink slip before but today I did get the first half of one and I figure the other half is on it's way.

At the end of the day today I was given the news. My hours have been cut to 20 hours a week and all of my benefits will remain the same but since it doesn't look like my company is going to make it much longer...that is only good for as long as the company last. It is amazing how OK I am with all of this. I am so glad that they are paying my insurance for as long as I am still employed. (I do have more seniority than any of the other employees)

If I only looked as good as the girl in the photo I would fell terrific. Well, maybe I will just spend some of my extra time at the gym that I am paying for and never visiting.
Yes, I do know that is not the right pink slip but it was the first one I found .

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I love the fall colors but when I was in Kentucky last month the trees were not very colorful yet. Carol did have orange place mats that were shaped like leaves and I loved them. She told me I could take them but I didn't think that would be right so I just bought some when I got home and copied her idea. I got two different colors to give me more of the feeling of autumn up north.

David sent me these beautiful flowers for our 36th anniversary yesterday and tonight we went out to a new restaurant and the food was delicious.