My fathers sister, my Aunt Rea, helped me make my first quilt when I was 6 years old.
She and her daughter made Todd a quilt before he was ever born.
My Maid of Honor's mother made Dave and I 2 quilts before we got married.
Ona gave me instructions on hand piecing quilts via the mail 1000 miles away.
I use to have very good friends come to my home on Monday nights to quilt.
I helped my friend, Sarah, finish a Christmas quilt while she cooked Indian food for me.
I taught a quilting class at my last church (with students from teens to 7o's).
All through my life quilts have been connected to people I love.
This is the quilt that Beulah made that I just got in the mail this week. It is old, well loved and worn thin in many spots. This one I won't use but I will cherish.